International Show | Starlights Cunard
"Queen Victoria"
This is a show we created on Queen Victoria since we had a lot of guests from Europe, Asia and Southern America that wished to listen to songs from their countries.
Party & Lounge Music | Starlights Royal Caribbean "Rhapsody of the seas
This is a selection of live videos we recorded aboard the Rhapsody of the Seas, Royal Caribbean. The performances include party music, loungetunes, and a special wedding proposal celebration.
Starligths Home Studio Promo Video
This is a home studio video promo with a party music playlist. We can do different styles and genre, depending on the event and the venue. We can also tailor our setlist according to the country.
Starlights Home Studio Promo Video 2
This is a home studio video promo 2 with a contemporary music playlist. We can do different styles and genre, depending on the event and the venue. We can also tailor our setlist according to the country.